Book Signing with Katharine Branning

ìYes I Would Love another Cup of Tea: An American Woman’s Letters to Turkey” comprises a series of imaginary letters written to Lady Mary Montagu, whose famous “Embassy Letters were written in 1716-1718 during her stay in Turkey as the wife of the English ambassador. Those letters from Turkey, written to friends in England, served to describe the many fascinating aspects of the daily life she encountered while in Turkey. In the same vein, Katharine Branning’sletters use themes dear to Lady Mary, such as culture, art, religion, women and daily life, as seen and appreciated by a modern Western traveler, much as Lady Mary did almost 300 years ago. Although addressed to Lady Mary, Branning’s “Letters to Turkey” are destined to be read by our contemporary society, as an insight on how many noteworthy characteristics of the “Orient,” which have been blurred for various in the Western eyes, have inspired a deep admiration for an outside observer.

en, Katherine Brannig,May 2012 -(1)