Family Breakfast and Blood Drive


The Family Breakfast and Blood Drive

Turkish Cultural Center Boston held a traditional monthly breakfast on January 14, 2015. This month’s breakfast event also coincided with a blood drive event organized in collaboration with Dana Farber Cancer Institute. The breakfast started with a welcoming speech by Bekir Senates. He greeted the participants and introduced Dr. Ayaz Aghayev of Brigham and Women’s Hospital to give a speech on the benefits of donating blood and cupping, also known as hajamat in the Islamic literature.

Dr. Aghayev summarized the benefits of donating blood to the donor, and its social impacts with medical references. He also touched on the references of blood donation in Islamic tradition. He said Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) encouraged cupping (hajamat). Dr. Aghayev stated that the scholars advise administering of medical treatment by the medical experts. Therefore, one must exercise caution and consult with a physician regarding any medical treatment, including blood donation and cupping, recommended by Rasulullah (peace be upon him).

Finally, all participants were invited to donate blood.