Coffee Night

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Boston Ma,

Turkish Cultural Center Boston held a Coffee Night in Boston October 24,2015.

Event was started a welcome speech then  Noah`s Pudding was presented to share the meaning of Noah’s Pudding in Turkish tradition. In addition Cambridge Musiki Cemiyeti performed live music , a music sudy group devoted to learning and preserving the traditions of Turkish music, was founded by Feridun Özgoren in 1996. The group, consisting of members with diverse professional backgrounds, practices every Sunday afternoon between 3pm and 6pm at Turkish Cultural Center of Boston.  

In this short concert Cambridge Musiki Cemiyeti will be accompanied by very special guest musicians. Gökçe Işler on Klarnet, Fred Stubbs on Ney, Shanteri Baliga on voice and drums and Tev Stevig on Tanbur.

The group will perform improvisations and, instrumental and vocal pieces in the makams of Nihavend, Huzzam and Segah.